How to add emoticons and smileys in Gmail?

Gmail provides a vast range of graphical smileys that are known as emoticons in the formatting toolbar. You can use them inline in the outgoing emails to grab the attention and appear friendly or just to express another emotion. By default, Gmail takes the help of a rich text editor which makes the graphical smileys possible for you.

How to add emoticons and smileys in Gmail?

If you switch your email to plain text, the emoticons will disappear from the formatting toolbar. We are here with the exact methods through which you can add emoticons and smileys to your Gmail account. Before going to add emoticons and smileys in Gmail, make sure that to whom you are sending that email and what will be the impact of that smiley to the recipient.

Insert Graphical Gmail Emoticons in Messages

You will need to enter the graphical Gmail emoticons in messages and for that, follow a few steps given in this guide.

  • Start composing a new message and position the text cursor where you want to enter the Gmail emoticon
  • Now, click on the Insert emoji option that appears in the formatting toolbar (having a smiling face)
  • After that, select the desired emoji to insert it

Note: The default tab might be the search tab so, you will need to choose the tab that appears next to it to find the emojis list

  • Use the tab that appears at the top to browse in different Gmail Emoji categories
  • Gmail always remember the emojis which you use and keeps them in an additional tab for quick and easy access. In addition, you also can highlight and move or copy the graphical smileys just like text.

Graphical Emoticons are not represented by corresponding text smileys in the plain text that is an alternative to your message. Gmail enters the emoji by using the Unicode encoding that might not appear with the email programs which only appear ASCII text

Enter Graphical Gmail Emoticons in Emails on Mobile Devices

To add emoticons by using the mobile web version of Gmail and the Gmail apps for iOS and for Android as well, use the emoji keyboards available on Android and iOS.

  • First of all, start the Gmail app on the mobile phone and create a new message
  • Now, tap on the emoji option to bring the emoji keyboard
  • Tap on the Emojis which you want to add to your message and send as usual

Enter the Graphical Smileys in Gmail Mail Messages

To enter emoticons in the messages in Gmail and for that,

  • First of all, choose to Compose appears at the top of the email screen to open a new email
  • Now, enter the text of the Outgoing email and hover the cursor where you want an emoticon to appear
  • After that, choose Insert emojis in the formatting toolbar that appears at the bottom of the email that looks like a smiley face
  • In the end, choose one of the emojis to enter in your message

Keep it in your mind that if the recipient’s email client doesn’t support HTML emails then, the emoticons will not appear there

Extra Usages for Formatting Toolbar

You can use the formatting toolbar in other ways to change the outgoing appearance of your message. You can use it anytime to change the part of the text to italic to block type or just apply a color to the text. You can use it to enter a list format and add an indention or adjust the alignment of the text on the screen. You also can add links and graphics by using the toolbar.

If you like graphic emoticons, then try the stationery capabilities of Gmail which will appear in the formatting toolbar. These large graphics are seasonal, birthday, and other background graphics as well that liven up an email with the emotion. Now, you have to choose the icon which looks like a card with the heart on it in the formatting toolbar and then, scroll through the thumbnails of the available images. You can see the working procedures with the message and for that, you have to choose it to apply the stationery.

Call on Gmail Customer Support Number UK to get connected with the experts for any assistance. The experts are highly trained and will help you out.

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